#64 Practice Disrupted with Evelyn Lee and Je'Nen Chastain

The evolution of architectural practice has been relatively slow towards change, yet modern shifts in business and design management have prompted today’s leading architects to rethink how they work. The Practice Disrupted podcast addresses how technology, cultural shifts, and emerging best practices in business are prompting industry disruption and transformation. The series features thought leaders on business, innovation, entrepreneurship, and/or architecture.

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#32 COVID Diaries: Changing the Way We Practice with Evelyn Lee

Evelyn Lee, AIA, is the first-ever senior experience designer at Slack Technologies. In her role, she works cross-functionally with business operations, business technology, people operations, and their build team to create amazing experiences for employees, clients, partners, and visitors. Evelyn is passionate about finding new business models to elevate the profession of architecture, ensuring it remains relevant in an ever-changing economy. She also currently serves as the Treasurer of the AIA National Board.

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